• baritone vocals

01 ‘Only If You Run’ – Julian Plenti … Is Skyscraper – Julian Plenti

  1. intro + oscillating texture
  2. vox melody on the beat
  3. I – V – VIm – IV verse, IV – VIm – I – IIIm chorus

02 ‘Fun That We Have’ – Julian Plenti … Is Skyscraper (2009) – Julian Plenti

  1. slowing loop countering the beat
  2. a single line repeated with an internal repeat. “with all the fun that we have, we have come far”
  1. monotone one chord – minimalist tricking of giving the eventual change more impact
  2. low baritone vox

04 ‘Games For Days’ – Julian Plenti … Is Skyscraper (2009) – Julian Plenti

  1. the beat (and 1 and) ( 2 3 4)
  2. VIm – IV – I – III7

06 ‘No Chance Survival’ – Julian Plenti … Is Skyscraper (2009) – Julian Plenti

  1. “living in a cave, man” – name calling puns ie, honey, honey. sugar, sugar. tea, bag.