Archive for January, 2012

- shuffle snr
- bass and gtr rhythm
- ‘drill’ elc sfx
- vox
- chorus: C G D (Bm)
- stop except for low gtr rhythm and scat vox
- middle: hold Em chord. ‘drum solo’, no snr, big elc gtr, panning action, scat vox
- key change: up a minor 3rd (Eb, Bb, F)
- sudden stop
KEY IDEAS to plunder
- ‘drill’ elc sfx
- key change: up a minor 3rd

- ac gtrs, drums and bass
- triangle rhythm
- vox
- chorus: vox doubled
- middle: all the same except different chords and melody
- pause: strums and vox
- back into verse
- final chorus repeat backwards sounds
- ‘doop doodoop’ ending builds
- tripled vox harmonies
- elc gtr rhythm
KEY IDEAS to plunder
- triangle rhythm
- ‘doop doodoop’ ending builds
- no drums, no bass
- ac gtr or elc/ac gtr rhythmic – verbed, delayed, emphasising fret squeak
- vox – verbed
- chorus: distant high keys, ‘strums’ and vibrato elc gtr chord strums
- v2: keys augment – verbed, distant, pan movement
- v3: just strums, no rhythm
- subtle woosh, left to right
- chorus: minimal rhythm continues
KEY IDEAS to plunder
- vibrato elc gtr chord strums
- inverted song arrangement: ac low key verse/chorus at end of song
- starts suddenly
- drums, bass, organ stabs
- claps and bongo percussion, wide
- vox verbed
- keys, high
- gtrs join organ stabs
- chorus: mandolin rapids
- gtrs more prominent in chorus
- verse 3: builds toward middle
- middle: no beat, just vox and bits and bobs of gtrs
- chorus: builds from start again
- ending: other material enters , gtr and piano
- textural gtr solo
- all fade out
- vox: oohs
KEY IDEAS to plunder
- claps and bongos percussion
- mandolin rapids
- ac gtr picking (2 gtrs?)
- vox
- bird sfx
- chorus: ooh oooh verbed
- piano enters
- no drums, no bass
- transition into one chord jam: elc gtr wail, verbed and delayed
- drums & bass fade in
- 2nd gtr, reggae offbeat, delayed
- off key jazzy piano
- organ build
- war of the worlds theremin
- back to verse with full band, including theremin
- band fades out
- ‘ooh ooh’ verbed out
- ac gtr and bass meandering end
KEY IDEAS to plunder
- song in 2 halves;
1. ac version = instrumental transition = 2. band version
- theremin
- chorus: oohs only
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a track by track analysis of key productions
to take inspiration from